Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thankful Tuesday

Well...today is an interesting day, both Z & I are not feeling very well. Although looking at Z you really couldn't tell. :)
Tuesday is the day and Thankful is the game.
In no particular order I am thankful for...
...My son who still smiles even when he doesn't feel good.
...My husband and other family who shares their love with me.
...My Lord God who sent his Son for my sins.

We had a great weekend (although really short) time with family. "Z's" dedication went really well. Although I don't have any pictures (that is the downfall of being up front) We did tape it and we will have to watch it and put some of it up on here for people to view. So as soon as I get pictures and videos viewed then...stuff will get put on here.

Tomorrow both "Z" and I are going to the doctor I am really just praying for a good night sleep. I hope that you all had a great Tuesday and a good rest of your week.


  1. Hope you feel better, and Congrats on your little one's dedication!

  2. I hope that you are both feeling better today and that you got a good nights sleep!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Katrina! Sure hope your feeling better. Thanks for popping by and for your kind words... I've missed reading your blog as well and am excited to get back into it. Congrats on little Z's dedication! :o)


I'm loving your comments and appreciate them! After all if you don't comment how can I make this blog better for my readers! God bless you and have a GREAT day!