Saturday, December 6, 2008

The fun we can have!!!

So alas (I don't know where that came from except I am watching Prince Caspian...oh I really like Chronicles of Narnia) I got all my Christmas decorations up. This was so much fun I just put on Christmas movies or music and put up the tree, lights, wreaths, garland, and little odds -n- ends that I have gotten over the years. So here some pictures of our home...

Our Tree along with our African Nativity Scene.

I LOVE this time of year!

Last night we actually had a total of 11 people (along with Z) over at our apartment. They were either Medical students or their significant other. We had a potluck and then after we played a White Elephant game. I called it Dirty Santa because that is what I grew up calling it during Christmas time. The gifts ranged anywhere from old MCAT books to a set of candles. White Elephant's are a great way to get rid of your old junk or do some wonderful re-gifting. One of our dear friends didn't quite get calling it Dirty Santa, she brought personal massage oil & lubricant. All well, I guess I can better explain for if and when we have the next party. Here are some pictures of the party...

Caleb, Nikki & Julie, Lainie

On to Z news...he is getting bigger everyday! He is getting his own personality and expressions. He likes watching the lights, TV, himself in the mirror. He is a very smiley little boy. It is a real joy being a mom to such a cute son.

So here is my son smiling at me from the floor and there he is looking at me with his Cowboy outfit on from Rick's Uncle Gary, Aunt Linda and other Rapp's from Texas. Thanks Ya'll!

Until next to you later!!!

1 comment:

  1. The picture's of your son are SO adorable!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I don't often come across others that have the same name as me so that was kinda cool!
    I'm liking your blog and I'll be back to read more when I have a bit more time. :o)


I'm loving your comments and appreciate them! After all if you don't comment how can I make this blog better for my readers! God bless you and have a GREAT day!