Monday, February 9, 2009

Thankful Tuesday

WOW! It’s Tuesday already. I guess it is time for Thankful Tuesday!

In no particular order things I am thankful for…

…God’s Word and the promises it has in there for me DAILY!

…Rick…who saw through my shyness (the first date) and still pursued me.

…Z’s smile, blowing raspberries, laughter and unfailing love he shares with me.

…My ladies book study at church.

…My knitting club through Des Moines University SAA group (SAA is a spouse and sig. other group for students of DMU)



…The roof over my head, the clothes on my back and the food in my stomach.

…The ability to take Z to work with me as I nurture 2 beautiful little girls.

…(In honor of Valentine’s Day ~ which is Saturday by the way) LOVE…the love that is shown by God, my family & my friends and the love that I am able to give in my own life.

So there you have it 10 things, people, or places that I am thankful for. NOW off to work I go. “Hi Ho, hi ho it’s off to work I go!”

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