Monday, March 30, 2009

I have been tagged...a while ago.

I finally got around to take a picture of the bags that I carry around. Seeing that I have little "Z" I carry around a bag mainly for him. Seeing that I am a nanny I don't usually have any other stuff in the car that might help me keep my bag light.
I got tagged from my dear friend Kit, March 13th. But I was on Spring Break, then "Z" got life pretty much on hold taking care of everything else.
So here are my bags below...and I will explain them later.
The CamelBak is the diaper bag. I like it because it has 3 different areas, one for diaper stuff, one for "Z's" other stuff (clothes, toys, etc.) and the other one is for me :) The black bag (was my free diaper bag from the hospital) it holds my knitting projects.
So there you are...I can't think of tagging anyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for following through :) I like your bags! I like that they're simple and sporty. The lady who tagged me had a whole bunch of fancy-pants diaper bags and I felt kinda weird posting about my different approach :)


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