Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wet & Wacky Wednesday

This is a short video from the most recent "long weekend" at Gramps, Grammy & Aunt Becca's house in Florida.
We just spent a little bit of time there but I am sure that Z would have spent FOREVER there! I didn't want him to get all sandy and wet so he didn't play like he truly wanted to.
As you see from the countdown on the Right hand side...we only have a little bit until North Carolina hopefully we won't break our back from holding him over the water. :)
And he doesn't ingest to much sand.
I hope you enjoy the view and Z's laugh.


  1. Oh that was too cute! You both looked like you were really enjoying yourselves!! And it looked so nice and warm :O) I love the beach, I just hate to fly ;O)

    Hope you week is going well...

  2. So sweet! I love when babies experience things for the 1st time! You get to relive it together! Thanks for visiting my blog!


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