Monday, August 10, 2009

WAY to long...

So...we have internet back in the house. It has been a long time to go without it. But I have learned that I can go a while without checking e-mail, facebook and my blog list. However it's so much fun having it so I can do all that checking on the world around me. But while I had my little break (I didn't really choose to have that break though) I did get my little home almost all set. Every where except my bedroom. You see we have pretty much all of our clothes for all seasons in there because we have no storage right now and I have an almost 1 year old meaning I don't get a lot of stuff done around that I would like to get done without "Z" getting into another thing.
Alright...let's see what I need to put on here.
~~~I will be doing a photo walk through of the new place...I just would like to take a couple other photos (to share what it looks like now)
(a little teaser...)
~~~I would like to share with you my new knitting book and what I am currently working on (but need photos of those too)
~~~I am part of this significant other group (SOS) at the campus of DMU (where my husband goes to Medical School) it's 1st meeting is tomorrow...I will be writing more about that. Not sure if I will do that here or on it's blog site. (I will post about that later).
~~~I really can't believe that in 10 days I will have a ONE year old little boy!!!
(sitting in the bike trailer/off roading stroller with his shades on)
~~~I just celebrated my 3rd year wedding anniversary to my WONDERFUL husband, Rick last Wednesday. We went to an Iowa Cubs game without Z (however he didn't like being away from mom for as long as he was :( )
(we really sat on the field to watch the game...thanks Tom & Jean for our seats & food)
~~~I have tried out a couple new recipes from Weight Watchers or Hungry Girl...I can't wait to share them with you.
~~~I truly love going to the zoo...and LOVES the fact that "Z" loves going to the Zoo too. We went to the Omaha Zoo and "Z" loved it when the animals moved as we stopped and looked at them. Then I went to the zoo here in Des Moines and 2 goats got in a fight right in front of us and he started laughing..."Z" is my nature boy and I am so excited about the stuff he will learn as he grows.
("Z" with Daddy laughing at the leopard)
~~~I will be traveling down to Florida on Friday with "Z" to visit Grammy, Gramps, Aunt Becca, Aunt Caroline & Uncle Dav-Dav. Poor Grammy has a 2 month long break from seeing "Z" and it's the last couple flights from Des Moines, IA to Sanford, FL for the had to jump on board. Good News is that "Z" will celebrate his 1st birthday down there. Bad News is that Rick will be doing his OB/Gyn rotation and will remain in Des Moines (but he will be on call and having a blast delivering babies and other "womanly" learning)
~~~I have discovered that I LOVE a full night sleep (I need to start getting to bed earlier) But seeing that Z started sleeping through the night (or us making him sleep through) it's so enjoyable to get hours of sleep straight and not wake up in the middle of the night.
Well I have a busy day tomorrow...weighing in, helping with club sign-up day, SOS meeting in the evening...HOPEFULLY everything will go well and Z will be a wonderful little boy we know he is. :)
Thanks for reading...I should be back later to get some of more pictures up and updates written. :)


  1. So fun! Welcome back to the Internet! ;)

  2. Phew!

    You are a busy lady! Welcome back :O)


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