Monday, October 5, 2009


I don't really have any pictures of Rick on this day! But I will post pictures of "Z-Man"
"Z" is getting so tall...this was the "before" shot; after shot looks like a tornado went through.
"Z" being sneaky and trying to open his crib.
Me and my little man...
"Z" saying "come on mom...stop kissing me!"

We have been on our own for 10 days...

To Do list tomorrow:
Make some Chocolate Pumpkin Brownies (Weight Watcher Friendly)
Fold Laundry
Have "Z's" room and the "great" room picked up
Have an AWESOME night at Willing Hands (Craft Life Group for Lifehouse Community Church)

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully you and your husband can celebrate his Birthday when he gets back!
    And the Chocolate Pumkin brownies sound delicious! I hope you post the recipe! Yum!


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