Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Sorry blog friends that I have been MIB (Missing in Blogland)
On Saturday the 17th..."Z-Man" & I went out to Omaha, NE and flew to Denver, CO. Thanks to my wonderful mother and father in law. Technically I think they would really wanted to see their only Grandson. ;) Here is a picture of "Z" greeting the airplane from the waiting area in the airport.On Sunday the 18th...we did the "5-6" hour drive to Lake City, CO. Here is a family picture (sorry we are not all looking at the camera)"Z" playing with the park.
On Monday through Thursday (19th - 22nd)...Rick was in his rotation there in the Medical Center (which he LOVED by the way) "Z" and I traveled around Lake City and into the camp area (Redcloud...which is where I used to work, live and still love) I would take it easy and drive around and take pictures...Here are some of the wonderful scenery that I LOVED and now miss.
Lake San Cristobal
Beautiful road around Lake San Cristobal
Check another entry for more pictures...

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