Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Some interesting facts about Father's I didn't already know this I had to find out by Wikipedia...
~ Father's Day was "created" AFTER Mother's Day
~ Father's Day was slowly accepted BUT for all the wrong reasons...people made jokes of it.
~ Four presidents (W. Wilson, C. Coolidge, L. Johnson & R. Nixon) all did some part into helping Father's Day become a National Holiday.
~ The official date of Father's Day varies from country to country. (MOST of the days are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of June)
If you would like to check out more can go HERE!

I have 3 great dad's in my life...NO I was not raised by 3 dad's BUT right now I can celebrate their fatherhood and life with them.
First dad, He help raise me into thinking about your relationship with God over anything else is important. Here are some pictures of my dad...I sure do love you dad!

 my father-in-law, He certainly raised a very Godly son (my husband). He has been there for me and my family over the years I have been brought into his family as a daughter. Here are some pictures of him.

 my husband or "Z-Man's" daddy, He has certainly been a great daddy even his brief time of being a dad. Learning when to discipline, learning when to lend a hand, learning to be a teacher, learning to be a buddy, etc. I'm thankful that I don't have have to go through this motherhood thing all by myself and that I have a good partner in this parenting journey. And here are some pictures of him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you my Lady! I sure do love being a father and being your Husband!


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