Thursday, June 24, 2010


So lately I have been craving I thought I would make some. A while back I actually got a weight watcher recipe that involved cake mix and I thought I would give it a shot. Of course I have to add frosting so I'm sure that helps balance the "diet" part of the cupcake...ha ha
But tonight I also had knitting club...and I wanted a special way of sharing whether we are having a little boy or a little girl to add to the Rapp family. So here is my recipe for the cupcakes and some pics...maybe to tease you a little bit about the gender of the baby. I will be doing a really cute post either LATE Friday night or ready to go on Saturday morning. So stay tuned...
The Recipe is very have 2 ingredients...
1) A cake mix (I used the funetti white mix) but you can use any lemon, white, vanilla (the key is a light color mix...or possibly the strawberry one...)
2) A can of 7-Up...(I got a 20 ounce Diet 7-Up and just measured out 12 ounces...)
Mix...and bake as the box tells you.
for 1/12th of the cake it's 4 points and for a cup cake it's 2 points :) for those weight watcher points takers....
I added some food dye (not because I wanted to color...but to relay a message!)
Here are some pics...
(My ingredients...I just used Pam instead of cupcake liners.)hmmm...what color do I put in???The finished product...
Again stay tuned...for news of Baby Boy or Baby Girl Rapp!

1 comment:

I'm loving your comments and appreciate them! After all if you don't comment how can I make this blog better for my readers! God bless you and have a GREAT day!