Monday, September 13, 2010

30 Days of Me...

1st I'll blog about the 30 Days of Me...and then I will post again about CO.

Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
So I found out about Blogger because my husband just set up a blog before I set up mine. I made it because I was starting a journey of being pregnant...that is why my http is That Is In A Rapp. Get it...That is in a being a Rapp... and being pregnant. ha ha...
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Well technically nobody has hurt me recently...So no letter written about being hurt....
Although I will write a letter...
Dear Baby Girl,
Thank you for letting me carry you inside of me. It is a joy to feel you move and groove inside of me. I am feeling you stretch my skin sometimes (which that hurts sometimes). I'm know that you are growing and getting bigger because I'm growing and getting bigger. PLEASE whenever you are ready please make your appearance to us. Even if you want to see Colorado...we are ready for you. However we would really like it if you didn't have to stay in the hospital any longer than me...I really love it when your big brother "Z" comes up to the belly and says "baby". "Z" loves giving you kisses, snuggles and other items to the belly. He hasn't been able to feel you move after all he's 2 years old and doesn't sit still very long. We will try to be patient as you wait for God's timing for you to join our family.
Love you precious girl,

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