Sunday, August 7, 2011

5 years...

...ago I was standing in a tree grove in Rocky Mountain National Park.
...ago I was wearing white and holding a wonderful bouquet of flowers.
...ago I was with my parents, Rick, his parents, and a photographer.
...ago I said my vows (sort of like the better or worse...but I wrote my own).
...ago I started a CRAZY journey with Rick.
August 5, 2006

In these five years of marriage...
...we have lived in CO, OH and IA.
Summer 2007
...we have had 5 "homes".
...we have 2 beautiful children.
...we have taken vacations to the mountains and the beach and a lot of stuff in between.
...we have had a WHOLE lot of fun; challenging at times BUT totally worth it!
Spring Colorado Trip 2008

I know this may seem personal however I'm gonna do it anyway!

Dear Big Guy (that's what I call Rick),
I am so thankful that you joined eHarmony 5 years and 8 months ago. Thank you for "broadening" your perimeter to include a wider outlook in your eHarmony...why? Because that created the match that brought you to me! Thank you for starting the communication process with me. Thank you...well not really...for "taking a break" from eHarmony, but technically that caused you to think about I guess that worked on my behalf. ;) Thank you for asking me to start communicating again with you. I looked for our e-mails...or terribly LONG e-mails of answers from my questions, of telling me about you and asking me questions. Thanks for asking for my phone number, thanks for talking on the phone with my FOREVER that 1st phone call, and then still calling me back after that!
Thanks for being a great host that first time I went to Greeley. It was great to see you "trying" to get me to talk and such. I enjoyed our first "date" that lasted FOREVER! All the little parts and twists on our first date. It was pretty amazing!
I really can't believe that we have grown more in these 5 years. We have learned from the past, we have grown together, we have had our ups and downs, we have moved many times and many times I'm sure to come, we have grown our family, etc.
Summer NC Trip 2009
I love you more than the first time I became Mrs. Richard Rapp BUT I'm sure that I will love you MORE when we are celebrating our 10 years. Thank you for coming home from Ohio early to spend Thursday-Saturday with me and the kids. Thank you for doing all the learning and growing and becoming the best doctor you can be now for our future and our family. Thank you for your poems, for your songs, and for your love. I'm so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for being YOU and becoming the man God created you to be!
Colorado Trip Fall 2010
With all of my heart and so much more,
Colorado Trip Spring 2011
That was 5 years ago...yesterday!

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