Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Finding a new normal...

Since we have been here for a while, we are trying to find a new normal. If normal can happen to a family of four with the dad (who is on his 2 weeks on night shift), a 4 year old who is in school and very excited to see me go and very excited to see me get him (we have his new Florida IEP to get new goals for the year; and we have already seen improvement with him since he's been in school) and a little girlie who is almost 2...YIKES my baby is almost 2!
So...Rick is doing well with his internship, however he could use some prayers on Thursday (he's taking an exam that is to let him know what he needs to work on subjects) Especially because he is doing nights.
Zeke is what feels like learning in leaps and bounds, not really saying more words, but recognizing letters and practicing saying them. We picked him up from Sunday School and there were all these H's on them...can you guess what letter he's learning in school? H's. We pulled up to a stop sign and Zeke in his seat say "S, T, O" and then there was a break he was waiting for me to tell him what the last letter was...I told him and then he repeated "P" Then we came to another sign and he said all four letters.
Aspen is a growing little pixie. She loves watching Tinker-Bell while playing with cars. Her favorite animal is a giraffe. She has a collection! She is going to be a "fly" short for Butterfly for her party. I'm still looking for a Mom's Day Out that I can take her to for a couple hours so she can get a couple  time to play with friends her age.
I'm working on getting my handmade knitting store Rapped with Luv. I'm going to try to make this blog Pics, Pages & Purls for my personal pictures, my preferences on reading and my personal knitting projects. BUT I still want to let you all know about my store. You can find me on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rapped-with-Luv/281119998839?ref=hl. I put the giveaways I'm in there as well as promo codes for percentage off my merchandise. So please "like" my page. :) IF you would like to go order hats I have a store http://rappedwithluv.storenvy.com/
SO I think that is it for right now...I forgot how much I love blogging. I'm hoping that I will be back to blog tomorrow.
Sorry there are no pictures. I'm needing to get back to knitting.

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