Thursday, July 24, 2008

How the time flies! has been a while...I am sorry but really nothing to report.
This week the baby that has been created, that is half of my husband and half of me, is about 4 weeks of making his or her grand entrance. Rick and I are really ready to meet this wonderful little being. We have our bags packed ready for the hospital, we have the car seat in the car, and we have all the little necessary items for the first couple days. We even have the baby's first visitors lined up!
Today was our weekly OB-GYN appointment. The Doctor tell us that the baby is looking very healthy (technically feeling very healthy), the heart rate was in the 140's, and the baby's head is down. The Doctor also told me that I am 1 cm, so thus means that my body is getting ready for having this baby.
For me I am not doing very well...I have been feeling very blah lately. Overall just very lethargic, nauseated and more headaches. In additionally to see the OB I am as well as seeing a DO (Doctor of Osteopathic, the same as what Rick is going to be) who specializes in OMM or Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine every 2 weeks for my back problems.
For Rick...classes started yesterday. He has had some medical issues, mostly GI. So Rick has a hectic fall semester load as well as being worried about his health.
I really just wanted to give you guys an update...sorry no belly pictures...maybe next time. :)

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