Saturday, November 15, 2008

1 out of my 4 projects done!

So...I started this project while my little boy was sleeping. I don't really know what this project is called. It involves a bulletin board, ribbon, fabric, a staple gun & staples, quilt batting & pins. It was a fun project and I got done with it in like a couple hours all together because Z ended up waking up so I ended up having to take care of him. But that is the life of a crafty mommy (at least I think I am some what crafty).
So I said that I was working on 4 projects...1 of them is done! I am calling it the Ribbon Picture Board. The second project is that I am knitting a sweater for Z...I started it before Z was born. I am hoping that it will get done by Christmas time. So that project is on the needles. The third project is getting a fleece Denver Broncos blanket for my little boy and his daddy to share on a cold Sunday while watching a football game. I still need to get it all cut and hopefully it won't take that long for me to do that. Attached is my starting material for that. The last thing that I want to work on is getting the pictures I have taken of my little Z to be put in frames and UP on the walls! Right now all we have is his new born, ultrasound, and myself being pregnant pictures up. Of course it is a constant, ever changing project. As well as pictures being up around the house I would like to create a memory book for Z and keep updating it all the time. Like using the system for them to do a book (that I can just create yearly) but also creating a scrapbook for Z to have when he graduates high school (just like my mom created for me).

So here is the finished Picture Ribbon Board and the start of the fleece blanket.

Thanks again for off to bed! Wow I blogged two days in a row!


  1. That is SUCH a cute photo of him sleeping! I used to make things too when i only had one baby :) Now I can only relate to the constantly changing the photos on the wall like you mentioned, lol! I need to learn to do something crafty... Sounds like you've got some great projects to work on! Good luck!

  2. My nephew gets cuter each time I see him. I look forward to actually meeting him sometime in person - hopefully sooner than later. Keep putting up the pictures. Give Z kisses from Aunt Jen and his cousin Te'a. Love you guys.


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