Sunday, February 8, 2009

my Essentials & update!

Hello Readers,
I have had one week of work under my belt since my little Z has been born. I have discovered that I crave some essentials in the morning. Below is a picture of a few of them. order of importance.
1) Ezekiel (not pictured above but pictured below)
2) Cell phone w/ blue tooth ear piece
3) Car keys
4) GONG FU TEA!!! (which I am sipping right now and enjoying the taste and the warmth of it)
4) Diaper bag (green bag) of course has mainly Z's stuff diapers, wipes, toys, 1 change of clothes, my wallet, and some of my personal items that I must have.
5) My Ezekiel bag (thanks to Ms. Pam down in Florida that made it!) which has my Bible, a different shirt & socks for me, one of my many projects (for when it's nap time) blankets for Z and some food for me during the day (along with some rice cereal for Z)
6) My journal to write down my daily walk with the Lord through this journey of being a mommy, wife & nanny. This way I have a place to put it that way I can remember the trials, joys, the funny sayings, and the growing moments.
Now an Medical School Update!
So the first 3rd year match for Rick was determined the first week of January...he got his first match which was Iowa/Midwest. Then we had a to make a choice of deciding where we would like to be in that region. On January 30th we found out that we got our first choice which was to stay here in Des Moines area. Yesterday Rick had his interview to be a part of the Des Moines University OMM Fellowship. It is a fellowship that does tack on another year of schooling but does help build Rick's resume. More on the fellowship at another date.
Now on a Nanny Update!
Week one done and it was better than I would have thought. The not so exciting part is the 30 minute drive at 6:30 in the morning! Z for the most part did well, he had some rough parts. The sweet little 2 year old tried to see how much she could get away with :) typical little kid. The grown-up little 6 year old goes to a year around school, so we are planning some fun things to do the first couple weeks in March when she has one of her breaks. It is fun bringing Z with me and letting him interact with some different kids.
Now a Z Update!
One if his favorite things to do is blow raspberries. He really likes to do it when he is eating his rice usually the cereal gets all over him and me. It is fun to watch him blow raspberries on the floor and he creates a "fountain" of spit. It is quite funny actually. He has been rolling a lot...more from his back to his belly then the other way around (Although he can do it!) He is growing and is already in 6-9 months clothes. He is drooling like a crazy kid and I so wish that if he is teething then a tooth would pop out of those gums of his. Below is a picture of little Z with his new cloth diaper on. (They have a dragon with a flame on it)
Well thanks for reading. I hope that you all had a great weekend and you have a great week.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 (New Living Translation)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.

This is my hearts cry this Sunday evening before my busy week starts. God Bless!


1 comment:

  1. Katrina,

    I'm so glad that your first week of being a nanny went well! I hope you have a repeat week this week! I love the scripture that you gave at the end of your blog! That is one that I cling to on a daily bases. God bless you and your family!

    :O) I'm sneaking around in blogville right now on my break at work :O)


I'm loving your comments and appreciate them! After all if you don't comment how can I make this blog better for my readers! God bless you and have a GREAT day!