Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Thankful Tuesday

You know the drill...Today is Tuesday...Thankful Day!
Here are things I am thankful for...
...The ability to be thankful to make it through the day (my "Z-Man" is not feeling well again...and he is just not his happy baby self.)
...A shelter over my head during the rainy weather that we had today.
...God who brought out the SUN today as well letting me see my happy baby for just a moment.
...The ability lose weight (even if it is a little bit) over SPRING BREAK!
...Having a BLAST in Colorado...sharing it with "Z".
...The ability to laugh at the funny things that kids say...let me see if I can remember one of them. Sorry nursing makes me lose my mind...I need to constantly keep a notebook so I can write them down!
...The ability to get in the car for a road trip and NOT drive the car AT ALL! I can just knit, write or sleep. Thanks Rick it was a great trip.
...The tons of photos I took (alright Rick took some of them) to remember our Spring Break trip (over 375!)
...The peaceful feeling that comes after I pray for God to touch my family...GOD you are amazing!
...Also for all my family and my friends (personal or blogland) that read this!

Like I said before there is over 375 photos of our trip...So I am just wondering how do I get these photos available for you to see? I would like some ideas so I can put some up. But just to get your mouth watering for CO pics...here are some :-)
The first 4 are from Rocky Mountain National Park where Rick & I got married.
The 5th one is Lake San Cristobal near Lake City, CO.
The 6th one is St. Malo Church near Estes Park.
The 7th one is Grandpa Tom & "Z" playing the piano.
The 8th one is Little "Z" playing at the park.
The 9th one is Rick, "Z" & the Sculpture Man...relaxing!
The 10th one is "Z" cute little feet.
Sorry that was a bad way to label the pictures.


  1. You could create a picasa web album. I know that is how we share some pictures with family and friends. It is pretty easy to set up too.

  2. What awesome photos. The picasa albums allow you to embed a photo album into your blog - so you can post one or two photos (or however many) and then when your readers click on those photos it takes you to the whole album!

    Also I don't know if you saw on the med school tag-alongs blog but there is a NEW blog recently created for wives of med students/residents/attendings and it is more for chatting questions, comments and worries. Its private though so that we can share freely. Let me know if you'd like an invite - we'd love to have you.

    I hope Z feels better soon!

  3. Those are lovely photos! Thank you for sharing!!! I hope "Z" feels better soon! God Bless you all!

  4. beautiful shots, katrina. the close up of rick and z is ridiculously adorable!!

  5. Oh Katrina what fun we could have at the tea place :O) The best part of this is that I have family that live in West Des Moines :O) They are actually coming to Kansas with there little three month old baby girl this weekend! I'm uber excited!! So if you don't go hopping off to another city to quickly we might actually get to meet :O) And that would be fun!!

    Do you ever feel like blogland is just really tons of pen pals all over the world?? I do :O)


I'm loving your comments and appreciate them! After all if you don't comment how can I make this blog better for my readers! God bless you and have a GREAT day!