Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The joys...

Of being a mom to "Z-Man"
For the past couple days...this is what has been going on.
On Sunday our church did our Faith in Action. Where we didn't have a service at the church but we were the church OUTSIDE of our church. We had 4 different sites. "Z" and I chose to go to Wildwood Hills Ranch. It is a place for needy children and teens. "Z" slept, ate & crawled around. I helped make beds and cut out items for their huge fundraiser that is actually happening on Friday.
Here are two pics..."Z" sleeping and some scenery.

On Monday, "Z" had a friend over...so here are some pictures of them having fun!

Today I decided that it's ok to see if "Z" can feed himself applesauce from a spoon. Here are some pictures from that.
Here is with the spoon
Now the finger/hand technique
All utensils gone...just "drinking" it from the container.
For all of those people counting. "Z" & I are leaving on Saturday for Colorado! Then we see Rick on Sunday!

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