Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sea World fun...

So on January 1st...we went to Sea World. So here are some pictures of that time there.
"Z" & I with Shamu
My mom with her Flamingos
"Z" with Dad & Gramps looking at the Sharks
They had part of decked out in the Polar Express so this is the tree that looks like the tree at the North Pole.
My little sister (Becca) & my dad feeding the dolphins.
The family shot..."Z" did SO well and he ended up falling asleep during the last show and missed the fireworks.

We had a great day! It was a little wet earlier and then it got a little chilly (for Florida)


  1. I just love that Christmas tree!! Right now out my window in Kansas it is snowing big huge fairy tale flakes of snow :O)

    Hope you all are safe and snug and warm!!


  2. aww fun! I've got to get my son to a Sea World someday, he is obsessed with ocean life!


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