Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Here are some pictures...
Label: Wacky
Where: Florida
Why Wacky: Icicles in Florida?
Label: Warm
Where: Iowa
Why Warm: Wool = Warmth!
Label: Wordless
Where: Iowa
Why Wordless: He fell asleep before I put him down for a nap...he was so tired! And he slept for over 3 hours!!!

What other labels could you give these pictures that start with W?

Weather here in Iowa (where I am at) is currently 42 degrees...which is way better then the 20s it has been. The Sun was out and melting the snow.

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely add visiting you all to my list =). And YES I would love patterns. I am still pretty new to knitting so I am a bit scared of messing up, but it is easy to undo and redo until you get it right, right?! I have made some scarves, journal covers, an ipod case. BUT nothing like the hat you are wearing in the picture for this entry. I like the design!
    Do you have skype? We could skype and knit together, that would be FUN!


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