Friday, June 11, 2010

10 on the 10th (I mean the 11th)

So I really wanted to do this yesterday...but there were so many lists going on yesterday. Both the boy I nanny and my own little boy where very clingy and when I was over taking care of one of the other one started fussing or getting into trouble. SO let's just say when it was quiet in the house it was QUIET!
So if you would like to see the other 10s on the 10th...THEN you should pop over to Meredith's Linky at Life at 7000ft! She talked about Summer and the smells that it brings...
I wanted to share with you all my dreams or ambitions...either about family, career, travels, hopes, etc.
My 10 Dreams...
(these are in NO particular order!!!)

-- Have my own photography studio; where I can have people come in and do shoots, have my own dark room so I can do B&W film photography, and also have my own digital stuff as well.

-- Open a tea shop (sort of like a coffee shop...however I don't drink coffee so that is why it would be tea there) In the tea shop we would have loose leaf tea, free WI-FI, a used book swap area, comfy chairs & some conference rooms.

-- Have enough land to have a farm: have Alpacas, chickens and maybe other animals.

-- Have a mini-green house because I would LOVE fresh veggies & possibly some fruit all year long.

-- Would love to add to the family through adoption (primarily international adoption).

-- Go on a missions trip either every year or every other year for about 2-3 weeks.

-- Send the photos I take to put them either in calendars or make them into note cards or postcards and sell them.

-- Be a great wife, mom, daughter, sister, grand-daughter, friend, craft-er, etc.

-- Sell the fiber from the alpacas and make stuff with them for gifts or to sell them too.

-- To Learn & Grow in my faith DAILY!!!

Well I hope that you all have a great Friday and a FABULOUS weekend. Sorry there are no pictures...but in my past post (if you haven't seen it) there are pictures of ultrasound.


  1. These are all great great dreams!!! Maybe you wouldn't mind if I came to your tea house only I would smuggle my coffee in ;O)

  2. Well then that sounds just perfect to me!!! Just let me know when you open!!!!!


  3. You would LOVE the tea house in my little town!

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend yourself!


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